Hello Torrey Pines Dems and Friends,
September Club Meeting Recap
At our September club meeting, we had an insightful presentation on growing up homeless by Michael Gaulden. He also shared information about his organization Creating First Impressions, http://creatingfirstimpressions.org. Check it out to learn more about his organization. You may have the chance to win his book at our October club meeting.
Sheri Sachs as part of her overview of the FBI National Citizens Academy gave us an interesting on how to survive an active shooting event. The link to the video is here –> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VcSwejU2D0&feature=youtu.be
Unfortunately, we did not have a quorum to vote for a friendly Endorsement for Senator Toni Atkins.
Our E-Board (specifically Roya Golchoobian & Jim Smith) have been working diligently to bring our club members the opportunity to vote for candidate endorsements.
Your attendance at our October 24th meeting is valuable as your vote determines the candidates our club will endorse. The endorsement process is an opportunity for our club to have our voices heard in supporting Democratic candidates. (See below for details of club endorsed candidates and October endorsement meeting).
Please RSVP for the October meeting to ensure we meet out quorum. Thanks!!
Beginning January 2020 we are changing are meeting days from Thursday to Wednesday. Our meeting will be held Wednesday, January 22, 2020 and we have a location for the first 6 months of 2020 at Del Mar Hills Academy. Address: 14805 Mango Dr, Del Mar
**special thanks to Liz Shopes for helping us with securing this location**
The Pre-endorsing Conference for Region 18 & 20
The pre-endorsement conference was held this past Saturday.
AD78: Chris Ward won the endorsement and will move on to the consent calendar at the CA Democratic Convention in November.
CD53: The vote was for no endorsement (our club did not have a vote in this race). An endorsement vote will occur at the CA Democratic Convention in November.
CD49: Mike Levin is on the consent calendar for the CA Democratic Convention in November. A vote was not required since he is running unopposed.
Additional information on the CADEM website.
CADEM Fall Endorsing Convention in Long Beach, November 15-17, 2019
At the convention, the 2019/2020 Platform will be finalized, the endorsements for congressional and legislative races will be ratified and there will be a 2019 Presidential Forum with Univision.
More info here–> https://www.cdpconvention.org
Community Events
October 10th, Thursday
Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans
Join us for a commUNITY celebration as PANA turns 5!
You’re invited to an unforgettable evening full of food, drink, music, dancing, and fun for all ages as we recognize 5 years of building power together. Our organization has come so far in the last 5 years, and we’re only getting started. The future is us, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you.
Gather with family, friends, and community allies just before sunset for (non-alcoholic) drinks, a multi-cultural feast, conversation, and coalition building. We’ll honor and celebrate each other during a brief evening program as we talk about PANA’s work, and where we’re headed in the future. Then, we’ll dance under the stars, coming together in a shared expression of joy and solidarity.
We can’t wait to see you at Fair@44 on October 10, 6pm!
October 12th, Saturday
Congressman Mike Levin Solana Beach Office Launch
Join us on October 12th as Team Levin opens our new Solana Beach office at 118 N. Rios Ave, Solana Beach, CA 92075!
This is a potluck style event so please bring food or a non-alcoholic drink if you can!
12:00: Office doors opens
12:30-1: Socializing
1-1:30: Kick-off!
2-6: Canvassing/Phonebanking (Training will be provided)
October 13th, Sunday
North Area Caucus Diversity Fall Fiesta
Time: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Hacienda de Vega
5806 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tickets: $75.00 Per Person
Democratic Club Members: $50.00
Please contact our North Area Vice Chair, Jason Bercovitch, for further information about sponsorships: (858) 382-3743 or northvc@sddemocrats.org
Checks can be made out to “SDCDP” with “North Area” in the memo and sent to: 8340 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite 105, San Diego, CA 92111
October 20, Sunday
October 26, Saturday
Join Voice of San Diego and USD for Politifest 2019.
No greater challenge faces the San Diego region – and California in general – than the cost of living here. Rents are soaring and the concept of buying a home is unfathomable to many residents. But the economy is booming, jobs are being created and babies are being born, both of which drive up the demand for homes. This affects everything. The economy, quality of life, health care, education and the environment. If people can’t afford to live in our cities, it will cripple local economies for decades.
Housing is intricately connected to transportation and San Diego leaders have touched off a major, if not historic debate about the future of transit and highways in the region.
This year, Politifest will be a daylong journey through these discussions and debates. We’ll begin the day with a keynote speaker, followed by a range of sessions led by subject matter experts. Panelists will discuss housing supply, the future of transit, new tax and policy proposals and our conversations with political candidates will focus on these topics.
$40 member, $55 non-member (includes 1 year membership), Free for Premier Members and Students
November 21, Thursday
Please join ACLU NextGen for our Second Annual Fundraiser “A Night for Rights”! Enjoy drinks, light food, and a host of fun activities. This is an important night to celebrate the ACLU’s essential mission: standing up for the rights of all people. All proceeds go directly to the ACLU.
ACLU NextGen is a diverse coalition of professionals, activists, artists, and leaders committed to supporting the ACLU’s important work.
If you aren’t able to attend but want to support NextGen, you can join or donate here.
Please contact Stephanie Malyn at smalyn@aclusandiego.orgor 619-398-4494 for questions about the event.
Please email Diana if you’re interested. There are a few of us from Solana Beach/Del Mar attending and we can carpool.
Club Endorsed Candidates
Terra Lawson-Remer is our endorsed candidate for SD County Board of Supervisors D3. There are many opportunities to support her this fall season.
Jane Fonda invites you to a Community Gathering in support of Terra Lawson-Remer!
You’re invited to a Community Gathering to FLIP SAN DIEGO COUNTY FROM RED TO BLUE with special guest host JANE FONDA!
Sunday, November 17th. 4-6:00pm. Home of Jamie Carr. Address upon RSVP.
Questions? spencer@terralawsonremer.com
If you’d prefer to send a check, please make payable to:
Terra Lawson-Remer for SD County Board of Supervisors 2020 ID# 1415385
130 3rd St. Encinitas, CA 92024
Purchase tickets –> https://secure.actblue.com/donate/nov17gathering
Knock Mira Mesa with Team Terra!
Knock Encinitas with Team Terra!
Phone Bank Wednesdays with Team Terra from North Park!
5 – 9 pm (1 hr shifts!)
- RSVP here to call Wednesday October 09!
- RSVP here to call Wednesday October 16!
- RSVP here to call Wednesday October 23!
- RSVP here to call Wednesday October 30!
Mira Mesa Terra Meet n’ Greet!
NOVEMBER Team Terra Events!
Knock Encinitas with Team Terra!
Phone Bank Wednesdays with Team Terra from North Park!
5 – 9 pm (1 hr shifts!)
Encinitas Terra Meet n’ Greet!
October 24th Club/Endorsement Meeting
Scheduled for Thursday, October 24th at 6 p.m. Cardiff Library. This will be an endorsement meeting. We are required to have a quorum in order to hold the endorsement vote. Your attendance at our October meeting is valuable as your vote determines the candidates our club will endorse. The endorsement process is an opportunity for our club to have our voices heard in supporting Democratic candidates.
Please RSVP for the October meeting to ensure we meet out quorum. Thanks!!
Jim Smith, Director of Endorsements , will be facilitating the effort. We encourage everyone to research all candidates prior to the meeting since they will only be speaking for 2 minutes.
Only members in good standing are eligible to vote for endorsements. Members in Good Standing that are eligible to vote meet the following criteria:
- Must be a registered Democrat.
- Membership dues must be paid.
- Any new members must attend one meeting prior to the endorsement meeting.
Please check out our Bylaws page on our website to review endorsement policies and procedures.
Email us at torreypinesdems@gmail.com if you have questions regarding our endorsement process.
If you have questions about your membership, email Janette.
Friendly Endorsements:
SD39: Toni Atkins
This information was pulled directly from the San Diego Democratic Party website:
Key: * endorsed by the SD County Democratic party
*Todd Gloria, Gita Appelbaum, Barbara Bry, J’erek Evans, Beatrice Marion, Tasha Williamson
City Attorney:
City Council District 1:
Aaron Brennan, Joe LaCava, Will Moore
Harid Puentes, Louis Rodolico
State Assembly:
District 78: Sarah Davis, Micah Perlin, Chris Ward
US House of Representatives:
District 52: *Scott Peters, Nancy Casady
District 49: Mike Levin, Nadia Smalley
Del Mar Go Team News
A message from our Del Mar Go Team Lead, Wayne Dernetz:
Preparations are underway for activating the San Diego County Democratic Party’s Grassroots Organizing effort – the GO Teams. The GO Team HQ staff held a Coordinators’ Summit on Saturday, 10/12. Following is a summary of the information provided.
Election Timeline
• November 17 State party endorsements will be made final;
• December 11 Filing deadline for all candidates (includes a 5-day extension, if needed);
• December 17 County party endorsements will be made final;
• January 18 Neighborhood Leader Kickoff events begin;
• February 3 Early voting begins, mail in ballots distributed;
• March 3 Primary Election day.
What’s On The Ballot
• Presidential Primary election, by party;
• Congressional and State Legislative district primaries;
• Local agency primary elections, where required: County Board of Supervisors, Cities of San Diego and Chula Vista, some school district boards, and Superior Court judges;
• County Party Central Committee elections;
• State and local propositions, still to be determined.
New Election Procedures for 2020
• Mail-In ballots will now have postage pre-paid, no additional stamps required;
• “I Voted” stickers will be distributed with Mail-In ballots;
• Nine “voting centers” will be set up in various locations around the County for full- service registration and early voting starting 7 to 10 days prior to Election Day (Note: This is a trial basis – may eventually lead to all Main-In ballot voting and elimination of precinct polling places);
• Conditional (same day) voter registration will be available at all polling places.
Presidential Primary Voting
• California has six qualified political parties – each may hold a primary election. These six are: Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, American Independent, and Peace & Freedom Parties. Voters registered in any of these parties will receive a party specific ballot for the presidential primary with the appropriate candidates (Note: each voter will receive a single ballot with the presidential primary candidates appropriate to the voter’s party registration, and the remainder of the ballot will be the same for all voters registered in that precinct);
• Non-Party Preference registered voters will receive a ballot without any presidential primary candidates on it. However, NPP voters may be able to vote on a party ballot, if that party agrees to an “open” party presidential primary election.1 In past elections, three parties have opened their presidential primary elections to NPP-registered voters (these are the Democratic, American Independent, and Libertarian parties).
• Other-party registered voters may also request a presidential primary ballot for one of the three alternate parties listed above by re-registering for that party or as a NPP- registered voter (e.g. A Republican party registered voter may vote in the Democratic presidential primary by re-registering: 1) as a Democrat, or 2) as a NPP voter, then requesting a Democratic party presidential primary ballot);
• Registrar of Voters will send notices to NPP voters about presidential primary voting options, beginning in mid-November. NPP voters, and voters who change their party registration, must request a Democratic (or AI or L) ballot by mail or phone, if received by the Registrar’s office no later than February 25. After that date, a ballot change can only occur at a polling place, or at one of the nine voting centers.
Recruiting New GO Team Volunteers
GO Team Coordinators are now recruiting new volunteers for the 2020 GO Teams. In Del Mar, our GO Team held an initial recruitment and feedback meeting on September 28 at the Del Mar Hills Academy. As of now, 24 of 44 volunteers from the 2018 campaigns have confirmed they are returning for 2020. Only five have confirmed they will not be able to return due to relocation out of the community, or health reasons. I will be calling the remaining 15 volunteers in the next week or so to request their re-commitments.
The County Party staff are updating “New Prospects” lists for each community on the VoteBuilder website for Coordinators to use in recruiting efforts. This resource should be online in the next week or two.
October 20, 2019 is the deadline for any party to declare its primary election “open.” The three parties identified above are expected to make the election to open their primaries to NPP voters.
We have 38 precincts to canvass, with at least 2,700 doors to contact, and at least 9,200 Dem and NPP voters to reach. Democratic registrations are up significantly from 2018, so these numbers are sure to rise. I’m hoping to have a total roster of 48 to 50 volunteers for the 2020 General Election, when we expect a huge voter turnout. That means we need to recruit from 11 to 26 new volunteers, depending how many additional 2018 volunteers will commit. If you, or anyone you know may be interested in volunteering, and you would like to know more about what’s involved, please contact me at (858) 342-8934, or at wayne.dmgo@gmail.com. I’ll arrange to meet and provide more information – no obligations!
Volunteer Training
New volunteers will require a 90-minute training and orientation before canvassing on behalf of the GO Teams. Volunteers can sign up for training at a number of locations in San Diego County. To see the schedule of training sessions, go to: www.sddemocrats.org, click on the “Get Involved” tab and scroll down to “Become a Neighborhood Leader.” You’ll find a schedule of training events and locations. Additionally, I will be providing the 90-minute training for Del Mar GO Team volunteers at times and locations convenient for the volunteers. These training sessions can be one-on-one or in small groups.
GO Team Schedule
The schedule leading up to the March 3 Primary Election for our GO Team is the following:
• October 2019 – January 2020 Recruiting and Training
• January 18 – February 2 Kickoff Event for Neighborhood Leaders/Canvassers
• February 1 – February 29 Door-to-Door Canvassing Period
• February 29 – March 2 “Get-Out-The-Vote” push
California State Democratic Party Operations
CADEM, the State party organization, has declared San Diego County a “battleground” county. Starting in January, CADEM will open and staff an office, likely to be somewhere in CD49. The state party staff will organize phone banking and some canvassing activities. CADEM staff will coordinate with County party staff, and with candidate campaigns “as much as possible.” CADEM will provide additional resources for meetings, trainings, and so on.
Future Club Meetings
No club meeting due to the Thanksgiving Holiday
Holiday Party – more details forthcoming
**Beginning January 2020 we are changing are meeting days from Thursday to Wednesday. Our meeting will be held Wednesday, January 22, 2020 and we have a location for the first 6 months of 2020 at Del Mar Hills Academy. Address: 14805 Mango Dr, Del Mar**