Torrey Pines Democratic Club


Our meetings our typically held on the 4th Thursdays of January through June, September, and October – eight meetings a year in all.  We also sponsor two social events each year for members and invited guests. We strive to present interesting and informative guest speakers at each of our meetings to address issues of current interest or concern.  Our speakers are drawn from elected representatives, academic experts in current affairs, and leaders of political action organizations. The standard Zoom link for our monthly meetings is: ,  Meeting ID: 871 0667 7935, Passcode: 190259.

Our monthly Club meetings will be on hiatus for our traditional November/December holiday break. Please join us for our monthly Club meetings in 2025 as we welcome expert guest speakers to help us understand the reasons for the dramatic changes in the political landscape, and to share ideas on how we can best work toward positive changes in the future. Our next regular Club meeting will be Thursday, January 23rd, starting at 6:00pm.