Our meetings our typically held on the 4th Thursdays of January through June, September, and October – eight meetings a year in all. We also sponsor two social events each year for members and invited guests. We strive to present interesting and informative guest speakers at each of our meetings to address issues of current interest or concern. Our speakers are drawn from elected representatives, academic experts in current affairs, and leaders of political action organizations. The standard Zoom link for our monthly meetings is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87106677935?pwd=Qlo1MkVaaysvVTJrR3YrdjBPZzdYdz09 , Meeting ID: 871 0667 7935, Passcode: 190259.
Dear Club Members and Friends,
Please join us for our Club meeting on Thursday, February 27th, starting at 6:00pm (via Zoom). Our program this month will feature San Diego Immigration lawyer Nora Milner. Nora has been practicing immigration law for over 30 years, and you can view her impressive bio HERE. Nora will be addressing questions and concerns that have now become urgent issues for immigration justice:
1. Overall, what are the key ways, if any, in which the new Trump administration efforts differ from the Biden administration with regard to asylum applicants and round ups of suspected undocumented people?
2. What should local friends or employees do who are caught up by ICE? Should they answer questions? Stay silent?
3. What can local citizens do to help friends and employees who might be undocumented and get caught by ICE?
4. What can you tell us about specific federal and local actions being taken here in San Diego? What can somebody expect if caught up by ICE? Where will they go and what will happen?
5. What should parents, teachers, and school Board members know about how to deal with Trump’s new “ICE” programs?
6. What resources are available locally for someone caught up by ICE?
In addition, we have two Club officer positions, Executive VP and Treasurer, which are now due for election/re-election. The election will be held during our regular Club meeting this month. Current EVP (and Communications Director) Ken Burtt would be happy to serve for an additional 2-year term. Club Co-Founder and Treasurer Debra Currier has completed her latest 2-year term, and we thank her for her fine work. Phil Currier has volunteered to take on a dual role as Club Secretary and Treasurer. Ken and Phil are also charter members of our club. We also welcome nominations from the floor for these positions, or you can email your nominations to torreypinesdems@gmail.com. The officers’ duties and responsibilities can be found in Article 6 of our Club Bylaws. In addition, our VP- Programs position (an E-Board-appointed position) is now vacant, and we thank Marissa Hildebrand-Criqui for her fine work in arranging for our previous guest speakers. If you are interested in helping in this role, please email torreypinesdems@gmail.com.
You can view our meeting Agenda HERE.
February 27th, 2025, 6:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0667 7935
Passcode: 190259
Dear Club Members and Friends,
Please join us for our Club meeting on Thursday, January 23rd, starting at 6:00pm (via Zoom). Our program this month will feature former TPDC President and former Del Mar Go Team Leader Wayne Dernetz who will moderate a discussion where our members and guests are invited to share thoughts on the key takeaways from the November 2024 election and the outlook going forward. Wayne will share his insights on the prospects for the new presidential administration and Congress, as well as opportunities for Democrats to effect positive changes in the future. We will then move on to an open discussion where all our members and guests are welcome to contribute ideas and thoughts:
– How should the DNC prepare to capture the attention of the Democratic voters who turned off in this past election?
– What do you consider the most important values and principles of the Democratic Party?
– What do you think needs to change in the Democratic Party platform or Party structure?
– How can you help elect Democrats to the House and Senate?
– How can you spread “the word” about the benefits of voting for Democrats?
– Any other thoughts or ideas you’d like to share?
You can review a copy of Wayne’s presentation HERE.
In addition, we have two Club officer positions, Executive VP and Treasurer, which are now due for election/re-election. The election will be held during our regular Club meeting next month. Current EVP (and Communications Director) Ken Burtt would be happy to serve for an additional 2-year term. Club Co-Founder and Treasurer Deborah Currier has completed her latest 2-year term, and we thank her for her fine work. Phil Currier has volunteered to take on a dual role as Club Secretary and Treasurer. We also welcome nominations from the floor for these positions, or you can email your nominations to torreypinesdems@gmail.com. The officers’ duties and responsibilities can be found in Article 6 of our Club Bylaws. In addition, our VP- Programs position (an E-Board-appointed position) is now vacant, and we thank Marissa Hildebrand-Criqui for her fine work in arranging for our previous guest speakers. If you are interested in helping in this role, please email torreypinesdems@gmail.com.
You can view our meeting Agenda HERE.
January 23rd, 2025, 6:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0667 7935
Passcode: 190259
It’s Time to Renew
Dear Members of the Torrey Pines Democratic Club,
As we enter 2025 with a Presidential election not going the way we hoped and worked for, we can be proud that we helped ensure good results at the local level. It is more important than ever to engage politically at every level of government. The Torrey Pines Democratic Club needs you to stay involved to help us support and strengthen our local Democratic leaders and to counter what seems likely to come from the Trump administration. This is where we discuss these topics and welcome your input, where we hear expert speakers, where we hear out candidates for federal, state, and local offices seeking to serve our region, and where our input matters. We hope you will renew your membership and please, encourage your democratic friends to join with us. There are several categories of membership as outlined on the attached form.
Accomplishments for 2024
- We continued to hold successful meetings via Zoom video conferencing with an in person Book Club meeting at Bush Fire
- The Club held an endorsement meeting for state and county offices
- Provided a platform throughout the year for direct interaction between our members, elected officials and local candidates running for political office
- Held a presentation on SONGS by Public Watchdogs
- Enjoyed a picnic social in September
- Heard a presentation from the UCSD College Democrats
- Held a forum on Proposition 1 Mental Health Care and Addiction Treatment
Why your membership is important
- Our membership totals 69 members and we would love to see it grow
- It provides our club a vote at the pre-endorsements conference
- Member dues help cover meeting zoom fees
- Dues pay for our County Dem charter renewal
- Dues pay for our post office box and the website
- Being a member in good standing provides you with a vote for club endorsements and other business including electing officers
- It keeps our meetings free
- Your membership is important to help us foster the informed civil society that is so important in these troubled times
- Your membership and your input make a difference!
What’s coming for 2025
- Opportunities to learn about important issues that affect us locally and across the nation
- Continued opportunities to make a difference in our community and to dialogue with like-minded people
- Annual Fall and holiday events
- Opportunities to participate in the E-board to plan club meeting and events
You can download a membership form HERE, or you may complete the application online and pay via PayPal HERE.
Message from Team Peters
Hope you’re doing well. This is Shaina and Jasmine reaching out from Team Peters. We are coordinating efforts to get folks registered and ready to vote in the upcoming ADEM election and wanted to ask if you’d be able to share the below message to your club as soon as possible. Online voter registration will conclude in just ten days! Please see below and let us know if you have any questions. We appreciate your help on this!
In a few weeks, Democrats will have the opportunity to elect delegates at the Assembly District level who will represent our region among California Democratic Party leadership. These ADEM delegates will vote on the state party’s platform, endorsements, and leaders. We know how important quality, diverse representation is to you, so here are some easy steps to get involved!
1. Ensure that your voter registration is up to date! You must be a registered Democrat before signing up for a ballot
2. Request an ONLINE or IN-PERSON ballot here: https://ademelections.com/– it takes just 60 seconds to register
3. Fill out THIS FORM for information about candidates who share your values and are ready to fight for the causes you believe in – we’ll let you know who’s running when it’s time to vote (voting also will take just a few minutes)
4. Share registration information with your friends, family, and any Democrat in your life who wants to get involved!
Thank you in advance for your support and for joining the fight! If you have any questions or trouble registering, please send your inquiry to jasmine@scottpeters.com.
Shaina Tigar
Campaign Coordinator,
Scott Peters for Congress (CA-50)
shaina@scottpeters.com | (818) 424-2022
info@scottpeters.com | (858) 848-7515
PO Box 22074, San Diego, CA 92192