Torrey Pines Democratic Club

Club News

Dear Club Members and Friends,

Please join us for our Club meeting on Thursday, January 23rd, starting at 6:00pm (via Zoom). Our program this month will feature former TPDC President and former Del Mar Go Team Leader Wayne Dernetz who will moderate a discussion where all our members are invited to share thoughts on the key takeaways from the November 2024 election. Topics for discussion will include:

– Big wins in local elections
– Statewide races of interest
– Congressional races
– Presidential race: voter turnout, other factors, why did Dems lose The White House?
– What comes next?

In addition, we have two Club officer positions, Executive VP and Treasurer, which are now due for election/re-election. The election will be held during our regular Club meeting next month. Current EVP (and Communications Director) Ken Burtt would be happy to serve for an additional 2-year term. Club Co-Founder and Treasurer Debra Currier has completed her latest 2-year term, and we thank her for her fine work. Phil Currier has volunteered to take on a dual role as Club Secretary and Treasurer. We also welcome nominations from the floor for these positions, or you can email your nominations to The officers’ duties and responsibilities can be found in Article 6 of our Club Bylaws. In addition, our VP- Programs position (an E-Board-appointed position) is now vacant, and we thank Marissa Hildebrand-Criqui for her fine work in arranging for our previous guest speakers. If you are interested in helping in this role, please email

You can view our meeting Agenda HERE.

January 23rd, 2025, 6:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0667 7935
Passcode: 190259

Dear Club Members and Friends,

As Bob Dylan wrote more than 60 years ago, “the times they are a changin’”. Across the country, hundreds of grassroots organizations, like our very own TPDC, will continue to work going forward toward social and environmental justice as well as other initiatives for positive change.

We would like to thank all of you who have supported Democratic candidates, and our state and local candidates have fared well in the election. Our state and local elected officials will be working hard to preserve and refine California’s progressive policies as a new administration in Washington takes hold.

Our monthly Club meetings will be on hiatus for our traditional November/December holiday break. Please join us for our monthly Club meetings in 2025 as we welcome expert guest speakers to help us understand the reasons for the dramatic changes in the political landscape, and to share ideas on how we can best work toward positive changes in the future.

As Martin Luther King, Jr. said nearly 60 years ago, “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”